From Our President

Warmest greeting!
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the website of the American Association of Teachers of Yoruba (AATY). Arriving in the era of unprecedented digital communication, the new website is to keep you and other people informed about the association and its activities, professional training, publications, lectures, news, grants, and fellowships. Now let me, briefly tell you about the association.
Some enthusiastic Yoruba scholars, graduate students, and teaching assistants attended a meeting on the invitation of Dr. Anthonia Schleicher at the University of Wisconsin in 2010. Dr. Adeolu Ademoyo of Cornell University presided over the meeting at which the attendees took a decision that instantly gave birth to the association. A constitution was drafted later, and thereafter, the following members served as presidents in succession: Dr. Akintunde Akinyemi of the University of Florida (2011-2013), Dr. Mosadomi (April 2013-April 2015) of the University of Texas at Austin, Dr. Oluseye Adesola (April 2015-April 2017) of Yale University. Dr. Adesola handed over the administration to Dr. Bayo Omolola of Howard University in April 2017. A new election that was conducted in December 2020 has produced an incoming president, Dr. Adeola Agoke of the University of Wisconsin.
The history of the AATY will be incomplete if we do not give credit to Dr. Akinloye Ojo and those who served on the committees that he led in 2012-13. It was their committee that paved a smooth way for the first executive. The same recognition goes to all the leaders and members of the association that have helped it. In other words, the contributions of all previous and present executive, committee, and individual members have made the association reach its current level.
Since its inception, the AATY has registered numerous achievements such as annual conferences, lectures, training/workshops, website, collaborations, and Yoruba program promotions. Its various committees such as the website committee, journal committee, welfare committee, and election committee are the lubricants of the association that assist the executive. Kudos to all those who have, through the committees, rendered selfless services to the association!
The ten-year-old AATY is a member of the African Languages Association of America (ALTA), the umbrella association for all the teachers of African languages in the United States. The preoccupation of the AATY is the standardization of the teaching and learning of the Yoruba language and culture. The AATY promotes Yoruba teaching approaches, learning improvement, learning and teaching material development, teaching collaboration, and Yoruba programs. Its members range from Yoruba language and literature scholars, linguists, graduate students, and foreign language teaching assistants. Current members of the AATY are located in the following countries: America, France, and Nigeria. The association welcomes new members. A space for registration is visible on the new website.
Like many professional organizations, the AATY could not hold its annual conference physically in April 2020 due to COVID-19! For safety, it organized two successful virtual lectures which were well-attended by members. For 2021, the association has also mapped out more activities that will fit into the digital world of learning and teaching. Information about them will be displayed from time to time on this website.
To conclude, I welcome you, again, to the first website of our association. Enjoy your time on it! Keep safe, and be blessed in 2021!
Bayọ Ọmọlọla, Ph.D.
President, AATY
For Yorùbá Learners
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